Introduction of stamp in the world of Kunio and introduction of overseas photograph

Collection of stamps in the world of Kunio and introduction of overseas photograph

A world stamp's Collection more than 330 countries and the photographs such as overseas collection of photographs and art museum exhibition picture or ukiyoe prints such as Thailand / China / U.S.A. / Austria / Czech / Germany / Hungary / Swiss / France / Bali.
The gleanings of COIN( coin) which I collected by a destination and a hobby / paper money / miscellaneous goods / an uncut stone / a rock / a fossil / an order lantern / a picture postcard / the hobby improve it.

Kunioの世界の切手紹介と海外写真集 英語版  "Collection of stamps in the world of Kunio and
                introduction of overseas photograph "

---Sorry english page is top-page only. ---  japanese
Yahoo auction booth is →  this one   I decline the conversion of the attention image without permission. サイトマップ(Sitemap)

The Collection of this site What's NEW(Only as for the big change)

With "Collection of stamps in the world of Kunio and introduction of overseas photograph", a photograph introduces a world stamp more than 330 countries. The stamp collecting is General. I make stamp collecting to preference. The collection calendar is 45 years. I exhibit Europe art (a picture) and classical stamps, famous person stamp, the fifty-three stages of the Tokaido stamp as a special feature. In addition, a picture in particular is a hobby, and the interesting photographs such as the exhibition picture (Prague, an Kokyuu) of overseas photograph and art museums such as Thailand (Bangkok, rose garden, Ayutthaya) and China (Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Wu-hsi) / U.S.A. (Boston, Chicago, salt lake, New York) / Austria (Vienna, Salzburg, Danube others) / Czech (Prague) / Germany (Berlin, Potsdam others) / Hungary (Budapest) / France / Switzerland or an Ukiyoe print / the world heritage improve overseas travel and a work of art.  In addition, the gleanings of COIN(coin) which I collected by a visit and the hobby of the trip / paper money / miscellaneous goods / an uncut stone / a rock / a fossil / an order lantern / a picture postcard / the hobby improve it a lot. I update the stamp alacarte at any time. It is stamp collecting and the site of the photograph that it administers with an individual in Nabari-city, Mie-Pref. Blog and a classic stamp, a stamp according to the theme improve. As it were, it is the museum of miscellaneous goods.
Thank you, on September 6, this site was registered with Yahoo category (a collection> stamp), too.

 I change HP minor at any time
 Japanese world heritage / Kyoto / Nara
   on June 28, 2008.

 Jewel / a mineral stamp on June 11, 2008.
 Vegetables / a medicinal herb stamp on June 04, 2008.
 world comics stamp on June 03, 2008.
 a world transformation stamp (special edition)
   on June 01, 2008.

  Bhutan interesting stamp (special edition)
   on May 03, 2008.

 Sports stamp improves on April 27, 2008.
   Music stamp update.

 the page of a world heritage / remains largely
   on April 25, 2008.

 I display the method of the mutual link on April 05, 2008. 
 December 15, 2007
  I correct a collection of overseas photographs in
  additional Germany in France and Switzerland.

           Past News is this one

タイ アユタヤ 像 写真 パンダ 蝶 世界遺産
A stamp world's first for 1840 years
A black penny

greate briten england penny black stamp word first 
first west stamp SAMOA
West SAMOA first stamp
アルゼンチン ヴェノスアイレス 切手
The stamp of Buenos Aires

★ The world coin (Japanese 1,000 yen gold coin or the Chinese thing which I do it in the days of Rome, and is old) / paper money / uncut stone / rock / fossil and picture postcards (Russo-Japanese War, others) order lantern are filled up and improve sequentially.  Only a curio thing and miscellaneous goods maintain a majority the curios such as a wartime credit / ticket / telephone card and writer, Tora goods, the leaf tea bowl rare article elsewhere. A lot of gems of the lucky find.  The Yuhua stone of China / Nanjing where the hue changes when I get wet with water is a gem.

A world uncut stone / rock A world fossil A world coin World paper money A picture postcard A paper lantern bearing a government's mark Miscellaneous goods Others
(Ukiyoe e.t.c)
宝石 トルコ石 岩石 原石 写真 海外 日本 サメの歯 ニューヨーク自然博物館 アンモナイト カキ 化石 時代 ローマ ビザンチン コイン COIN カラカラ帝 1円 紙幣 貨幣 世界 日本  日露戦争 記念 絵はがき 葉書 ハガキ 軍事 検閲 憲兵 馬籠宿 ちょうちん 提灯 日本 中国 ランタン 太宰治 斜陽館 コーヒー カップ 戦時債権 寅さん ジッポ 天目茶碗 竹久夢二 絵画 浮世絵 歌麿 広重

The index of the picture stamp [prehistory charges - Middle Ages |The RenaissanceBaroqueRococoRomantic school
                      The ImpressionistsA modern paintingJapanKokyuuPragueGoghUkiyoe ] 

A stamp A collection of overseas photographs
(I jump in an image click on the page)
カナダ 世界最古 クリスマス 切手 kitte
The expansion please click an image.
Thailand (Bangkok, Ayutthaya)
タイ 美人 女性 バンコク アユタヤ 写真 切手 タイ 暁の寺院 観光 バンコク 写真 三島由紀夫 切手 タイ 動物 植物 バンコク ローズガーデン 犬 ねこ フルーツ 果物 バラ
Austria(Vienna, Salzburg, the Danube)

オーストリア ウィーン 旅行 モーツアルト ベートーベン オーストリア 2006年 ウイーン ザルツブルグ 写真
It is the first Christmas stamp in the world.
It was published in Canada in 1898.

I feel a sense of closeness that mother makes birth in van Kuba Island and cannot think to be other countries.
China(Beijing, a world heritage / the Great Wall of China and an old palace)
北京 天安門 万里の長城 王府井 薬草 野菜 写真
世界遺産 北京 天安門 万里の長城 王府井 北京ダック パンダ マンガ北京 天安門 万里の長城 王府井 北京ダック 写真 天壇
USA(New York, Chicago, Boston, a salt lake)

アメリカ ボストン 茶会事件 レッドソックス アメリカ シカゴ アルカポネ 写真 ミシガン湖 ニューヨーク 五番街 ビートルズ ティファニー 写真 アメリカ合衆国 ソルトレイク シティ ユタ州 モルモン教
{special plan}
Czech Prague art museum stamp
チェコ プラハ 美術館 切手 絵画 
ピカソ ゲルニカ 原爆 廃絶 絵画 切手シート
チェコ プラハ 世界遺産 写真 切手
China(Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, Wu-hsi)

中国 美人 車掌 特急 上海,蘇州,無錫 写真 切手 蘇州 シルク ファッションショー 写真 中国蘇州 絵画的 風景 旅行
The Chinese very beautiful scenery is a word of the admirability among other things.

France(The Louvre, Eiffel Tower)

フランス ルーブル美術館 ガラス ピラミッド エッフェル塔
Germany (Berlin, Potsdam, romantic highway)
ドイツ ベルリン,ポツダム 写真 切手
ドイツ ロマンチック街道 城 眠れる森の美女 ローテンブルグ 写真 切手

Hungarian (Budapest, the Danube)
Czech(A world heritage)

ハンガリー ブダペスト ドナウ川 写真 切手 チェコ 世界遺産 プラハ チェスキークルムロフ モルダウ

Switzerland(Mountain climbing train, the Alps, Jungfrau, the Eiger northern face)

スイス ユングフラウ 登山電車 アルプス インターラーケン GTV スイス ユングフラウ 登山電車 アルプス アイガー北壁 ジュネーブ
There are baroque pictures a lot from the Renaissance in a work and the latter period of Rubens and the Brueghel gels and painters of Frandre that played an active part in the time representing the 17th century.
The guidance of the mutual link
In this site, a link is free. I am fortunate when I can have the first report in the case of the link. In addition, I ask for the following logo and link at the time of link.
The favorite is this button

 日本郵趣協会 切手(Japan Philatelic Society)
     [A stamp / a coin: A foreign stamp] [A stamp / a coin: Money others][A stamp / a coin: Stamp a la carte] [Miscellaneous goods: Treasure]